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Asian Elephants At Dhikala | Largest Land Mammal
Feb 22, 2022 | Elephants Asian Elephants At Dhikala | Largest Land Mammal

Asian Elephant or Indian Elephant found in Corbett national Park is one of the biggest park among india. Natural habitats of wild life is really amazing here. I visited second time in april 2014. This time i visit Dhikala zone and stay their for one night to catch Asian Elephant movement habitats and also their behavior. The grass land of Dhikala zone is really very good to catch lots of birds and mammals and also a landscape is tremendous.  Elephants are largest land mammals living on earth. Asian elephants are in endangered as their population decreasing last 60-80 years.

Asian elephant with cub

The scientific name for Asian Elephant is Elephas Maximus . They live in grassland and open areas near river. Asian elephant habitat are grassland, forest, savanna and desert .Asian elephant mostly travel in crowd and in family. They have large family so they travel in a group. Only Tusker Asian Elephant found alone sometimes but female Asian Elephant found only in family or Group. The Asian Elephant population in India is around 25000 to 28000 approx. Asian Elephant is endangered in IUCN list.

Asian Elephant Facts / Things to know about Indian Elephant :

  • They are largest land mammals living in Asia.
  • Total population of Asian Elephant around 50000 individuals.
  • Female Asian Elephants can live 60 years approx.
  • Asian elephants are smaller than African Elephants
  • Also Big differance is their male tusk is smaller than African Bush Elephants.
  • Height of Asian Elephant is around 9-10 ft.
  • Its weight is around 4000 kgs.
  • Total body length with trunk is approx 18-20 ft.
  • Asian Elephant trunk contains 60000 muscles.
  • They use their trunk for feeding, breathing, washing, watering , defance and offence too.
  • Elephant tusk is best weapon for them and they also protect trunk too.
  • Skin color of Asian Elephant is mostly grey.
  • Elephants can eat approx 120 -140 kg per day

Asian Elephant

Differance Between Asian elephant / Indian Elephant and African Elephant :

African elephant is larger than Asian elephant. Large in size and also ears are larger than asian elephant. While African elephant weight around 4000-7000 kgs and Asian elephant weight around 3000-6000 kgs. Also skin differance between them too as Asian elephant skin is smoother and African elephant skin is more wrinkled than asian elephants. African Savanna Elephant is the biggest elephants among all spices of elephants.

Corbett National Park Elephants

Asian Elephant cubs are really beautiful to see and they are very cute. Generally cubs are found with females and also in a group. If you are very near to cubs or elephant then they give you warning sign so beware don't go near further. Elephants are more dangerous if you go closer to them. In other way elephants are killed widely for its Ivory means their Tusks. There are lots of incidents of killing elephants by humans but very less incidents of killing humans by elephants. Elephants population is decreasing because of natural habitas , Fragmentation and poaching. Elephants generally found in groups and with family. You can get good photos of elephant family or elephant cubs and elephant mother and cubs.

Asian elephants lives in grasslands and in forests. In India they found in East of Himalayas. In Asia they generally found in China , India, Bangladesh, Shrilanka etc. Elephants found in India called Indian Elephants. Asian elephant has subspices like Indian Elephant, Shri Lankan Elephant and Sumatran Elephant. Elephant eat 112 different spices of plant.

Dhikala Zone at Corbett National Park :

Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand is famous for Bengal Tigers but lots of mammals found here. Dhikala zone is inside of Corbett national Park and there is night stay facility at Dhikala which you can book online from forest department. Here near dhikala rest house a river passed so you can get beautiful landscapes of corbett national park at morning sunrise and evening sunset. In the evening Asian Elephant activities are high at Dhikala zone near the river. So you have to be prepare for Asian Elephant Family shot near the river by 4pm. You can get beaufitul Asian elephant family with cubs in a group. Amazing wildscapes you can take with Asian elephants and sunset at Dhikala.

Corbett Safari

Dhikala CorbettDhikala Zone

Elephant Cub

Elephant Group

Elephant Landscapes

Elephant TrunkElephant with cubs


Elephants of IndiaIndian Elephant Cub

Indian Elephant

Wild Elephants


Elephant with Cub

Photos taken at Dhikala zone on safari during evening with Canon 6D and canon 100-400 mm lens.

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Intelligent Monkey Rhesus Macaque
Jun 15, 2021 | Mammals Intelligent Monkey Rhesus Macaque

Rhesus macaque monkey is one of the intelligent monkey in all spices. It is one of the old monkey spices. Its color is brown grey and it has pink color face. They generally found in India, china, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal etc. Monkey called Rhesus on the name of King Rhesus of Thrace. The females are smaller than the male. The Rhesus monkey is in a group of 20-200 monkey which includes males and females. Rhesus monkey using a various facial expression and vocalization to communicate. Rhesus monkey is very important for scientific experiments. As humans are made from monkey their genomes and anatomy are similar to humans. Also they are easily available due to their population. So Monkeys are been widely used in medical and biological research on human and animal health related topics.

Rhesus Macaque Monkey

Some Interesting Things to know About  Monkey : 

  • Rhesus monkey is similar to humans as their DNA similar to humans. 
  • The Rhesus monkey is very intelligent. 
  • The genomes of Humans and Chimpanzee are 95 % similar as research by scientists. 
  • Some monkeys are highly intelligent and some are stupid too. 
  • Orang-Utans monkey is highly intelligent among all monkeys and also most intelligent  in animals. In Bangkok safari world there is a Orang-Utan show where two of these monkey have boxing fight and it was so funny show that kids and adults like it most. 
  • In opposite Lemur is the stupidest monkey among all spices of monkey. Lemur is so stupid that it cant recognize its own reflection. The weakness of monkeys are mischievous and unreliable. 
  • The Rhesus monkey factor is not limited to humans. Although the Great Apps have same blood group types like humans.

Rhesus Macaque Baby

Rhesus monkey with Baby

Monkey Bite :

  • It is proven that monkey bite is deadly. 
  • It cause anaphylactic  shock in humans and it can kill humans. 
  • As discovered by scientist a monkey which come out at night is more dangerous and its bite can kill humans.
  • Monkeys sleep sitting on trees. 
  • Bonobo monkey is closest relative to humans according to research by scientists by matching DNA and genomes of humans and Bonobo monkey. 
  • The difference between Humans and Monkeys is Hands. 
  • Humans are not the only animals to possess opposable Thumbs.  

Rhesus monkey bite

Animals In their Habitat

The animals in their Habitat :: Animals in their habitat OR Animals in their environment is one of the good siting for wildlife photographer. During my trip to Jim Corbett National Park i found lots of Rhesus monkeys and Rhesus monkey baby in their habitat. They are jumping all over on the trees. Some of them are on the ground and got something to eat at ground level. So i didn't miss that moment. Some good images i capture of Rhesus monkey which explain the behavior and habitats of monkey.  

Great Apps

Indian Monkey

At the end the baby Rhesus monkey baby try to get down from tree . Now he is able to climb and jump over trees without help of his mother.

 Location of All photos : Jim Corbett National Park, Dhikhala 

Gear Used : Canon 6 D, Canon 100-400 mm lens

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Golden Jackal India And Jackal Spices
May 31, 2021 | Mammals Golden Jackal India And Jackal Spices

In the canidae family of Jackal there are three types of Jackals.

  • Black Backed Jackal
  • Side Striped Jackal
  • Golden Jackal

Golden Jackal India


Golden jackal is a carnivorous mammals. Native of Golden Jackal is southeast Europe, southeast Asia and south Asia. Golden Jackal looks like a Indian Wolf but it little bit smaller in size compared to Arabian Wolf and Indian Grey wolf. The Golden Jackal's coat can vary  in color from pale. In summer its color pale creamy yellow and dark tawny beige in winter. My first siting of Golden Jackal was in Jim Corbett National Park. I found a Golden Jackal during my morning safari at Corbett National Park.  Golden Jackal is from biological family Canidae. 

Types Of Jackals

Golden Jackal facts :

  • Golden Jackal is similar to Grey wolf but smaller in size.
  • Shorter legs, short tail, muzzle is narrow and more pointed and less prominent forehead of Golden jackal in compare to Grey wolf.
  • Golden Jackal Male length approx. 70-85 cm and Golden Jackal Female length around 68-73 cm.
  • Male Golden Jackal weight around 6-13 kg and female Golden Jackal weight around 7-11 kg.
  • Shoulder height for male and female golden jackal is 17-20 inch.
  • The skull of Golden jackal is smaller then Grey wolf and also weaker too.
  • Golden Jackal develops a horny growth on a skull which is known as " Golden Jackal's Horn ".
  • The Jackal's fur is short and golden in color so its called Golden Jackal.
  • The Jackal moults twice in a year. Spring Moult and Autumn Moult. The spring moult starts from February or middle March and Autumn moult starts in September mid.

Golden Jackal Horn

Canidae Family

Canidae Family

Black Backed Jackal 

Blacka Backed Jackal

During my Kenya trip i accidentally get Black backed Jackal at Lake Nakuru. Lake Nakuru is very famous for Rhinoceros  ( Rhino ). Here i found Rhino and also a Black Backed Jackal . Also African Vultures i found in a group. 

  • Black backed jackal found in Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa and Kenya.
  • It is listed in IUCN least concern spices.
  • It is also called Fox.
  • Black backed Jackal has two sub spices 

            1 ) Cape Black Backed Jackal 

                2 ) East African Black Backed Jackal

Jackal Found In Kenya Africa

Jackal Furr

Side Striped Jackal   : 

Till Now i doesn't get side striped jackal but it also found in southern Africa. It is smaller than black backed Jackal.  I have no images of it and no more information about it.

Please feel free to comment and any suggestions for my blog article and any content related query. Also if you like then share it to your friends too.  

Scientific name of Golden Jackal is Canis Aureus

Camera gears used : Canon 6D with canon 100-400 mm lens

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Kalij Pheasant In India (Lophura Leucomelanos )
May 31, 2021 | Birds of India Kalij Pheasant In India (Lophura Leucomelanos )

Kalij Pheasant is a bird of Phasianinae family.It generally found in forest area. It is a heavy body ground feeding bird which known as Galliformes in Order. It is also a game bird in Asia many years ago but now this bird is not use a s a game bird. Many years ago it spell also Kaleeje Pheasant. The Binomial Name of Kalij Pheasant is  Lophura Leucomelanos. A beautiful bird found in India at Corbett National Park also found many other areas but i don't know all places. I shoot at Jim Corbett National Park during safari ride in the morning.

Kaleeje Pheasant

Subspices of Kalij Pheasant :

Total nine subspices of Kalij Pheasant

  • White Crested Kalij Pheasant
  • Leucomelanos - nominate at Nepal
  • Black Kalij Pheasant
  • Oates' Kalij Pheasant
  • Lineated Pheasant
  • Black Backed Kalij Pheasant
  • Horsfield's Pheasant
  • Williams' Kalij Pheasant
  • Crawfurd's Pheasant

Kalij Pheasant At Corbett National park

About Kalij Pheasant :

  • Size of Male kalij pheasant is 24-30 inch and female about  20-24 inch.
  • In plumage Kalij Pheasant is glossy blue back and underpart have white rump.
  • Crest is white in all spices.
  • In some subspices underpart and tail are white with feathers bunch.
  • Female Kalij Pheasant is brownish.
  • Underpart of female is black and whitish.
  • Kalij Pheasant is Least Concern spices of IUCN bird list.

Birds Of India

Kalij Pheasant India

Subspices of Kalij Pheasant

Jim Corbett National park is one of the best place where you can found birds, mammals, reptors and reptiles too. While i am at safari i was looking for Tigers but on the road Kalij Pheasant Pair are wondering and i don't miss the chance though they are far from me. The result of images is very low but it easily helps to identify it. A record shot for me of Kalij Pheasant at Corbett national park.

Camera Gear Used : Canon 6 D, Canon 100-400 mm lens.

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Smallest Falcon Collared Flaconet
May 12, 2021 | Birds of India Smallest Falcon Collared Flaconet

It is very small falcon and in shape is like shrike.It is a species of "Birds of Prey " in a falconidae family.It is found in southeast Asia across Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal, Bhutan, India,Vietnam. I shot it at Corbett National Park Dhikala forest Rest house backside. It is a smallest falcon in falcon family. In India it generally found in Himalayan Range like northeast Uttarpradesh, Sikkim, Bengal and Assam. Collared falconet is Shy Bird.

Smallest Falcon

Description and Facts About Collared Falconet :

  • Its wings are pointed.
  • It is 18 cm Long only.
  • Tail is rounded and medium length .
  • The adult male has a black crown and white forehead.
  • It is the member of genus Microhierax which are the smallest falcon.
  • It is found in forest country aprox 5500 ft height.
  • It roosts  and breed in old woodpecker or barbet holes in dead trees
  • It feed mainly insects and small species of birds.
  • It also shy and nervous.
  • It has shortish wings and tail is medium length.
  • It has also strong half feathered legs and very powerful feet.
  • A bold white collar and supercillia
  • It is a smallest falcon in falcon family.

Collared Falconet is a raptor so its feets are very strong to catch and it is also a good hunter bird. During my trip to Corbett national Park we done a morning safari and taking a rest at Dhikala forest lodge. On the back side of lodge on a old dead tree we found it. I seen Collared Flaconet for the first time and i ask to my mentor what is it ? and he said its a collared Flaconet and i ask  is it Falcon ? Well i am surprised that its a small bird that called Falcon but its true. It looks very cute to see but its a good hunter. Bird watching and bird photography is my favorite at that time and now also. Bird photography is very challenging because you have to follow the bird and its behaviour for taking a good picture of bird.

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Golden Morning At Corbett National Park
May 04, 2021 | Landscape Photography Golden Morning At Corbett National Park

Landscape Photography is one of my favorite subject. Corbett National Park is one of the most visited National Park in India. Its a Biggest Tiger Reserve in India and also large number of Tigers are here. Framing a landscape photo need good background and foreground. Well in corbett National Park Dhikala is the place where you can stay at night and also near to river side so you can visit Asiatic Elephant Family at Dhikala area. 

00002_Corbett Park Dhikala

Dhikala is situated at core location of Corbett National park. It is located about 30 km from Dhangadi Gate of Corbett National Park. Actually Dhikala is forest rest house where tourist can stay. Dhikala Forest Lodge is best place to stay in Corbett national Park. There are 6 different winges with different numbers of rooms in Dhikala. Dhikala is most popular to stay for wildlife photographers because in this area you can visit good river side sunset or sunrise and also a large number of Asiatic Elephants with Family. 

Golden Light Landscape Corbett

Morning Golden Light :

While shooting landscape photography light is very important . When i was on my safari at Dhikala zone i saw morning golden light and a burned tree trunks standing on ground. Well i just capture is with good golden light. If you want good colors of sunlight then use white balance on shades in your DSLR camera. It boost your frame colors. And after then post processing with good color corrections. I also shoot it in Black and White landscapes at Corbett national Park. 

Corbett Park Black And White Landscape

Corbett national park is too big in area that Tiger siting possibility is too low. But there are another beautiful subjects to shoot their like elephants, crocodiles, birds etc. Also dont forget the Dikhala site where you can take landscape photos of amazing corbett. During sunset time here you can get elephant family and also magic of golden light.

Corbett Landscapes

Corbett National Park Uttarakhand

Alone tree with golden light looks beautiful in frame. 

Tiger Sanctuary Landscape India

Dhikala Landscapes

A birds on top left branch of the tree .make my frame outstanding black and white photo with bird.

Landscape with golden light

How to Reach Corbett National Park :

Corbett National park is located in Nainital District, Ramnagar, Uttarakhand. Nearest Railway station is Ramnagar about 10-12 km from Corbett Tiger Reserve. Kathgodam Railway station is about 3 hours distance from corbett national park. Nearest Airport is Pantnagar about half hour drive from corbett national park. Also you can fly to Delhi and then hire a car for corbett national park for one way. Best time to visit corbett national park is winter season. Well you can also visit all over year but winter is better to visit Jungle. Only Registered vehicles are allowed inside the park so you cannot go with your own car inside park. Bijrani is the best zone after Dhikala to spot Tigers. 

Gear Used : Canon 1000 D, Canon 6D, Canon 18-55mm, Canon 100-400mm

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A Fish Killer Pallas's Fish Eagle
May 02, 2021 | Birds of India A Fish Killer Pallas's Fish Eagle

Pallas's Fish Eagle is large brownish sea eagle. It is also known as Band Tailed Sea Eagle.It is Partially Migratory bird in central Asia. My first siting of Pallas's Fish Eagle Or Pallas's Sea Eagle at Corbett National Park in 2014 while I am participating Canon Wild Click organised by naturewanderers. Color of Pallas's Fish Eagle is light sandy brown. It face is white in color. Its Wings are darker than body color. Juvenile is dark brown in color.

00002_Pallas's Fish Eagle

About Pallas's Fish Eagle :

  • It is known as Pallas's Sea Eagle Or Band Tailed Sea Eagle
  • The length of Pallas's Fish Eagle is  70 to 85 cm .
  • With Wingspan length is 180-210 cm.
  • Male Eagle weight around 2 -3.3 kg and Female weight around  2.1 - 3.7 kg. 
  • Main Diet of Pallas's Fish Eagle is Fresh fishes.
  • It also hunts water birds, small mammals, frogs and reptiles too.
  • It breeds in Russia, Mongolia, India, Kazakhstan, China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan etc.
  • Pallas's Fish Eagle is Endangered spices and listed in Endangered on IUCN Red List.
  • Golbal population of Pallas's Fish Eagle is around 2500 approx.
  • Pollution and overfishing lakes by humans is main reason for putting in endangered to Pallas's Fish eagle .
  • A reason for low count in India is spread of water hyacinth so difficult to find fishes in lake water.

Endangered Eagles

Eagles found In India

Killing experience of Pallas's Fish Eagle :

To see kill of pallas's fish eagle is awesome experience. It standing on a tree and below 100-140 ft down a river goes and i saw that eagle stand for while then just down in fastest speed n catch a fish OMG what a scene that was . I just sow his speed n accuracy is fantastic.

Fish Eagle India

I m not lucky too much that i shoot that action but a kill n feast i can capture.

Pallas's Fish Eagle Corbett Park

Here below picture u can see his neck can turn 360 degree. That specialty makes him perfect for kill , watch, and be accurate .

Birds of Prey Fish Eagle

Location : Corbett National Park, Near Dhikhala , During safari ride.

Canon gears : Canon6D , Canon 100-400mm 

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