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Jumping Spider | Little Rann of Kutch
Dec 02, 2023 | Macro Photography Jumping Spider | Little Rann of Kutch

There are lots of Spider spices in the world. Spiders are good subject to shoot as a macro photo. Actually spiders are everywhere along to home and gardens. Jumping spider are group of spider constitute the family  salticidae. This family contained over 600 described genera and over 6000 spices. Jumping spiders are easily identify from other spiders from their eyes and shape. The jumping spiders have faces that are roughly rectangular surface. The eyes are forward looking on flat face. The body length of jumping spider are around 1 to 25 mm. They generally found in forest , desert, scrub lands,temperate forest too. Toxicity of jumping spider is very less for humans. so jumping spider bite is not poisonous. Spiders are not insects because they belongs to family Salticidae and classified as Arachnids.

Jumping Spider Toxicity

I found jumping spider during my trip to LRK ( Little Rann Of Kutch ). also its a live photography competition Name WILD CLICKS powered by canon in December 2019. Spiders in macro photography looks beautiful . For Macro Photography you need good light and good camera gears.

Some Facts about Jumping spider : 

  • The life of jumping spider is around 6 month to 2-3 years. 
  • Jumping spider are shy but you can easily catch them. 
  • They have 8 eyes. 
  • Once you will be familiar with spider then it enjoy your company. 
  • As per research of Miami university spiders like music. 
  • Generally they build their web in corners and dense trees , small plants etc.
  • All spiders are predators.
  • Jumping spider can change sudden blood flow in their body.
  • Jumping spider do not use web for hunting.
  • Jumping spider can dance also.
  • Jumping spider can jump 10-50 times of their body.
  • Jumping spider have 8 legs as all spider have 8 legs.

About Little Rann of Kutch 

LRK or little rann of kutch is a Wild ass sanctuary of Gujarat. Sanctuary for Indian Wild Ass but its also very well known for raptors and migratory birds. During winter some migratory birds like flamingos, pelican, bar headed goose, raptors, falcons, eagles, owls  are regular visitors. So the sanctuary is more important for wildlife in Gujarat where you can find all birds, mammals and also 360 view of rann of kutch. Also some wetland areas near rann are beautiful for sunset and sunrise. You can also get some good macro photos of insects of rann for making good theme of COLORS OF RANN. I tried to shoot this spider with background of sun but its too hard for me . because it cant steady on one place for a second but got good pictures.

Jumping spider LRK

Jumping Spider Identity

Spider Eyes

Spiders found In Gujarat

Spiders of Rann

Gear used : Canon 80 D , Canon 6 D ,Canon 100mm Macro , Flash not fired

Location : Little Rann Of Kutch, Dasada

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Housefly Insect _ Most Common Fly
Nov 20, 2023 | Insects Housefly Insect _ Most Common Fly

Housefly is a small insect which is found anywhere around us. It is most common fly spices. Binomial Name of Housefly is Musca domestica. Housefly is very well known for carry pathogens which can cause serious diseases in Animals and Humans. There are also different flies like fruit fly , Drain fly , Lesser Housefly, Blow fly, Common Green bottle fly etc. It is an insect and it has an important role for ecology for breaking down organic matter. They can carry lots of organisms on hair, mouth and feces. Also they carry parasites with them and cause diseases like Typhoid, Cholera ,Diarrhea etc. 


About Housefly : It is the most common fly spices found in the houses. They have red eyes and black in color. They have small hairs on their body and single pair of wings. Females are little larger than Male. Adult housefly length about 6 to 7 mm and 12-15mm with wingspan. They have 3 simple eyes and pair of antennae.

Some Facts about Housefly or Flies :

  • Flies multiply quickly
  • Flies can spread diseases.
  • Flies test with their feet. 
  • Housefly don't chew
  • Flies pollinate plants.

Housefly Lifecycle

Things to know about Housefly : 

  • Female housefly mates only once and it store sperms to use it later on.
  • It lays eggs on waste food or carrion and lays eggs in 100 of batches.
  • After eggs they soon hatch into larvae which is known as maggot.
  • After 3 larvael stage they turn into pupae about 8 mm. and then become housefly.
  • Housefly generally lives 2 to 4 weeks.
  • They feed different liquid, semi liquid substence. They can feed some solid meterials which can soften by housefly saliva.
  • Houseflies process visual information 7 times faster than humans.

Housefly Larvae

Life cycle of Housefly : 

Female lays Eggs ----- after 1 day 1st instar larva ----- after 1 day 2nd instar larva ----- after 1 day 3rd instar larva ----- after 2 or 3 days Pupae/ pupa ----- after 3.5 to 4.5 days it turn into adult housefly 

Housefly Macro Photo

Housefly is very difficult to catch in your frame. Its flying speed is amazing so you can not catch them easily. You need to stable where housefly repeatatly came and sit. Wait for your shot on tripod or on handheld. Its all about timing. I generally use handheld shots. Also i use flash rarely when light is too low. 

How to get rid of Housefly ? 

The best spray for get rid of housefly is natural oil sprays like citronella oil, neem oil, peppermint oil, lemongrass oil etc.  Get mixing these oils with alcohol or water and spray it in your house . 

Gear Used : Canon 80 D , Canon 6 D , Canon 100 mm macro lens. 


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F Stop In Photography _ Understanding Aperture in Lens
Oct 25, 2023 | Photography Basics F Stop In Photography _ Understanding Aperture in Lens

The F number or F stop means focal length of the lens or you can say that measure of light gathering ability of an optical system. F stop number in DSLR camera depends on the camera lens . It does not depends on Camera Body. Your camera lens has define minimum aperture value or F stop focal length on lens .  F stop Number also prefer for light optimization and how much light you allow inside the sensor of the camera.  Also F stop or Aperture low value and high value makes different in Image in focus parts. Low F / Aperture value like F/2.8 make sharp image only on focus part and rest part in blur and high F/ Aperture value like F/20 make sharp image all focus part . When you Increase and decrease  the aperture   value or F number in camera you might be increase and decrease in Shutter speed  and as well as ISO too. 

Understanding F number or Aperture with Shutter speed and ISO :

As shown in main image you can easily understand how aperture or F stop works . It shows that when you use wider aperture like F/2.8 the aperture is wider and more light comes through your lens so the image will be brighter when you use low aperture value. As opposite using high aperture like F/22 the light comes less through your lens and the images are darker. But the main difference in using F number is focus part. It means that when you use aperture at low like F/2.8 your focus image only be a sharp rest part of image will be blurred. And in F/22 your focus parts of images sharpen not blurred I will show you an example of that . But  while using F number F/2.8 to F/22 you need to change ISO settings and also A shutter speed too.

As Shown in Above image you can easily understand how Aperture works with ISO and Shutter speed.

One image is taken with F/10, ISO -250 and Shutter speed 1/400 seconds . In that image you can see the subject clear and also other part of the image also clear in background in compare to other image.

The second image taken with F/2.8, ISO-250 and Shutter speed 1/ 5000 seconds. In that image you can see only subject is sharp rest image is blurred. But the changes i made to shutter speed increase because when i use wider aperture F/2.8 more light comes through lens and image will be more brighter so i increase my shutter speed. 

Another example of Aperture is above image.

One image taken with F/2.8 , ISO-320 and shutter speed 1/2500 sec.  In that image flower looks clear and rest of image looks blurry . The other image taken with F/20, ISO-1250 and shutter speed 1/250 sec. That image flower with plant leaves looks clear because i use F/20 but in that case i need to increase ISO and lower shutter speed. Increasing ISO may increase noise in your image so if it is not necessary then don't boost ISO use only shutter speed if passible. 

Some Facts to know about Aperture or F stop :

  • F number decides how much your photo in focus
  • Lower F number makes image Brighter
  • Higher F number makes image Darker
  • Aperture depends on your lens
  • Different lens have different aperture value.
  • To increase and decrease your aperture value you need to adjust ISO and Shutter speed as per subject and light.

I use Canon 100 mm lens for both above image with canon 80D camera body. Canon 100 mm macro lens has F/2.8 minimum aperture value. All lenses have different minimum and maximum aperture value. ISO and shutter speed depends on your camera Body. Some Camera body support High ISO with low noise too. 

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Eurasian Curlew A Large Wader Bird
Oct 02, 2023 | Birds of India Eurasian Curlew A Large Wader Bird

Eurasian Curlew is also known as a Common Curlew. It is a large wader bird in family Scolopacidae. During winter it found in Africa, South Asia  and southern Europe areas.  In Gujarat it is found in Little rann of kutch and Great Rann of Kutch areas. I found it at Little rann of kutch during morning safari.  It was first recorded in 1377 in Langland. It is found near to scrubby riverbeds , groves and thorn forests.  Eurasian Curlew is restricted to Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Shri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam.

Eurasian Curlew

Facts about Eurasian Curlew :

  • Eurasian Curlew is the largest wader in its range.
  • Its length is around  50-60 cm . Wingspan is around 90-105 cm. Weight of Eurasian Curlew is around  400 - 1350 gm approx.
  • Its color is mainly greyish brown, greyish blue leg, white back and a very long and curve  bill .
  • The bill is the longest in adult female than male.
  • Eurasian curlew lay 4 eggs and generally lay in april or may. They incubate eggs about a month.
  • It has been found that eurasian curlew built their nest near to Common Kestrel nest for protecting from Predators.
  • Eurasian curlew feed small invertebrates and crabs, earthworms  too.
  • The population of Eurasian Curlew is declining in very huge rate.  It is now in the Nearest Threatened list in IUCN list in 2008.
  • In last 25 years eurasian curlew population decline 50% in England and Scotland and 90% in Ireland .

Eurasian Curlew is a migratory bird in Gujarat during winter season. It is found in Little Rann of Kutch during november to march . Little rann of kutch is also famous for migratory raptors and eagles. Also lots of birds like Greater Flamingo, Falcons, Eagles, Pelicans, Short Eared Owl, Desert Fox  and a Wild Ass . Indian Wild ass is found only in Gujarat in Kutch area. The little rann of kutch land is dry during summer and after monsoon it is muddy. 

Camera used : Canon 6D, Canon 100-400 mm lens

How to Reach LRK : Little rann of kutch is around 100 -120 km from Ahmedabad.  

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Crown Of Feather Bird Eurasian Hoopoe
Sep 20, 2023 | Birds of India Crown Of Feather Bird Eurasian Hoopoe

Hoopoe is a colorful bird.It found in Asia, Europe, Africa etc. The genus name is Upupa Epops. Upupa epops are Latin names. The hoopoe requires light vegetated ground such as trees,cliffs, walls and nest boxes. These types of environment  found easily everywhere. Its a medium size bird. For habitat and distribution Hoopoe bird is distributed all around in Asia, Europe and North Africa and easily found. For breeding hoopoe bird found wormer areas. It is also called as Eurasian Hoopoe bird too . In Gujarat it found at many farm outskirts and also at Thol Bird Sanctuary, Nal Sarovar , Velavdar and many more areas.

Eurasian Hoopoe Bird

Physical features of  Eurasian Hoopoe Bird 

  • Hoopoe bird is a small size bird. Its weight is around 45-90gms .
  • Size of common hoopoe is around 25-32 cm. and 44-48 cm with wingspwan. 
  • Its wings are round and broad so hoopoe bird can flight strong. 
  • The beak of hoopoe bird is as long as woodpecker. 
  • Body color is light and black strips. 
  • A most beautiful thing about hoopoe is Crown of Feather on its head. That makes hoopoe special. 
  • Hoopoe bird call is Hoo-Hoo-Hoo .

Some interesting facts about Common Hoopoe Bird

  • Hoopoe bird is selected as a National Bird of Israel in 2008. 
  • Hoopoe eats insects and pests which damage to agriculture and forest land. So Hoopoe is very helpful to save forest and agriculture land as it protect from such insects and pests. 
  • Interesting thing about hoopoe is it like to take a bath in sun and dust. 
  • Hoopoe bird average lifespan is 10 years. 
  • Hoopoe bird can easily approached while they are eating and they didn't notice anyone around it. So that is the best time to get closer to hoopoe bird and get good Hoopoe bird images. 
  • Hoopoe bird also noted at Mt. Everest. 

Birds Of Gujarat

Birds Of India

Common Hoopoe

Common Hoopoe Bird

Thol Lake Birds

Birds Found in Gujarat

About Thol Lake : 

Thol bird sanctuary is located near Thol Village so its called Thol Bird Sanctuary. The village Thol located in Kadi Taluka and Mehsana District of Gujarat. Area of Thol Lake is around approx 7 km square. Thol is generally known for migratory birds found here. During November to March there are lots of migratory birds came here. More than 150-200 spices of different types of birds including migratory and residence are found here. May be my figure is not actual but its seems to near it. Most attractions of Thol Lake is Flamingo bird, Pelican Bird, Bar headed Goose, Cranes and also huge number of Duck spices. Best time to visit Thol lake is winter From November to March. Best time to reach is early morning before sunrise is good. You can see the beautiful sunrise with lovely sky colors and Birds with it. 

Resident Birds Gujarat

Hoopoe bird Description

Facts About Hoopoe Bird

I got good and very close sharp Common Hoopoe bird or Eurasian Hoopoe bird images  

Nearest city to Thol Lake is Ahmadabad about 25 km approx.

Gear Used : Canon 1000 D, Canon 55-250 mm lens, Canon 6 D , Canon 100-400 mm lens

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Black Winged Stilt _ Wader Birds Gujarat
Sep 05, 2023 | Birds of India Black Winged Stilt _ Wader Birds Gujarat

Black Winged Stilt is a wader bird from stilt family. It is widlely distributed bird in Aisa, Africa, Europe. The scientific name of Black winged stilt is Himantopus . In Gujarat it is widely found in low water wetlands and some ponds and farms. Black winged stilt widely found in Thol Bird Sanctuary, Nalsarovar Sanctuary and their ourskirts. It is black and white bird with long legs and small in size. Not too small but medium size like Black Tailed Godwit bird. 

Black Winged Stilt

About Black Winged Stilt Bird :

  • Black Winged Stilt bird size 32-36 cm for adult.
  • They have long and thin black bill.
  • Black winged stilt legs are pink in color and also long too.
  • Black winged stilt head is white in color and neak is black in varying.
  • Male has black back and greenish glow and female has brown hue.
  • It has 5-7 subspices and sometime it reffered as Common stilt.
  • Black winged stilt breeds in small pond, lakes, marshes. 
  • Black winged stilt eat mainly insects.
  • Black winged stilt pick their food from water or sand.
  • It built nest near water and easily spotted. Also built nest in small group. Sometimes built nest with Avocets.
  • Black Winged stilt is one of the spices to which the agreement on the conservation of African Eurasian migratory water birds. 

Black And White Bird

Thol Bird sanctuary is located near Thol village in Sanand. It is really good place for bird watchers. In Thol Lake you can find waders, large birds, tree birds, migratory birds, resident birds etc. Also more than 150 spices as per my knowledge may be more numbers found here. Also Migratory birds are most attractions of Thol Lake during Winter. In migratory birds most found Flamingos, Pelicans, Bar Headed Goose, Sarus Crane, Demoiselle Crane, Grey legged Goose, Pied Avocets etc.

Lits of Migratory birds At Thol Lake :

  • Flamingos
  • Great White Pelicans
  • Bar Headed Goose and Grey heded Goose
  • Ducks
  • Spoonbills
  • Sarus Cranes and Demoiselle Cranes
  • Eagles
  • Mallard

Waders Bird

Best Time to Visit Thol Sanctuary :

Well for birding winter is the best time for Thol Bird Sanctuary. If you want day out then any time is better for thol except monsoon. There are lots of birds stay througout year in Thol lake. In winter lots of Migratory birds are most attractions of Thol Sanctuary. From November to March is the best time to visit Thol Lake.

Black Winged Stilt Bird

Birds of Gujarat

stilt bird

Stilt Bird

Long leg birds

Thol Bird Sanctuary

About Stilt Bird

Thol Lake

Pair of Stilt Bird

water birds

Birds around me

Stilt bird Matting

Birds of Gujarat

Nearest Railwaystation With Major City : Ahmedabad

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Alpine Accentor _ Birds of Himalayas
Aug 15, 2023 | Birds of India Alpine Accentor _ Birds of Himalayas

Accentor is a small bird of prunellidae family. In India it is generally found in East Sikkim area. It built its nest low in a bush. When i was on a trip to Singalila National Park. I found at sandakphu  area. Sandakphu is high altitude place in Singalila National Park located in West Bengal. From here you can see Mt. Kanchenjunga very clear which is highest peak of West Bengal.  Lots of Birds here. To visit Singalila Park November to February you can found lots of snow and good landscapes too with snow on Mt Kanchenjunga. Also if you are going for birding you can visit March to May/June Month is the best . It is very cold weather during winter November to February at Singalila National park.

Alpine Accentor Bird

About Alpine Accentor Bird :

  • Alpine Accentor bird is robin size bird. Length of bird is around 15 -17 cm.
  • Bird just like similar to house sparrow in color with brown back streaked.
  • Adult Alpine Accentor have red brown spotting on underparts
  • Also adult have grey head too.
  • In Asia Accentor found at 2000 m above height. Specially at Himalayas.
  • It build nest in bush.
  • It laying 3-4 plain (not spotted) eggs of sky blue color. 

Singalila National Park : 

Singalila national park is located in West Bengal. There are lots of birds in this sanctuary. Also its good for trekking at Sandakphu. From here you can see Mt. Kanchenjunga easily and very closely. Also a beautiful Himalayan Mountain range with snow. Amazing weather very cold in winter and moderate in summer. Summer season is the best for birding at sandakphu.

Sparrow like Bird

Robin size Bird

Accentor Bird India

Singalila National Park Birds

Sandakphu Birds

Himalayan Birds

Birds of Himalaya

Birds Of West Bengal

Birds of India

Alpine Accentor bird Binominal Name is Prunella Collaris .  Total 9 subspices are recognised of Alpine Accentor bird. 

Gear used : Canon 1000 D, Canon 55-250 mm Lens.

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Eurasian Collared Dove _ Streptopelia Decaocto
Aug 01, 2023 | Birds of India Eurasian Collared Dove _ Streptopelia Decaocto

Backyard Birds : Dove bird is symbol of peace. It is loveable bird. It is very friendly to humans. Dove bird is now backyard bird because you can find it in your backyard. There are lots of spices of dove bird. Generally i found blue pegion at my home but these time i found Eurasian Collared Dove at my home. And look what close image i got it amazing.

Eurasian Collared Dove

The spices Eurasian collared dove is native Asia and Europe. There are two subspices recognised of Eurasian collared Dove 

  • Western Collared Dove
  • Burmese Collared Dove

Western Collared dove ranges Europe to India, China and Korea. Burmese Collared Dove ranges Central Myanmar to southern China-Eastern China. eurasian collared dove is not migratory. Eurasian collared Dove has been great colonisers of the bird world. They travelling from its native range to colder countries and many of them permanently stay their. 

Facts and Description of Eurasian Collared Dove :

  • Its a medium size dove but smaller then wood pegion and similar to rock pegion.
  • From Beak to Tail length is 13 inch.
  • With wingspan length is 19-22 inches.
  • Weight of Eurasian collared dove is 120-240 g.
  • Color of eurasian collared dove is grey buff to pinkish grey and blue grey underwing patch.
  • The tail feathers are grey buff and dark grey and tipped white below.
  • Legs are short and bill is black
  • Eyes appear black from distance but iris is red and narrow rim of reddish brown iris can be seen.
  • Juveniles differs from collar and iris.
  • Eurasian collared dove make large sound call  goo-goo-goo

Breeding and feeding :

  • It breed near to human habitats where food and trees are available.
  • Females lays two eggs in nest which color is white.
  • Eggs incubates by both male and female. Male incubates in day time and female incubates at night.
  • Incubation period is about 14-18 days.
  • They feed grains, seeds and insects.
  • They feed in farms and grain stores in a flock.
  • Flock of Eurasian collared dove is from 10-40 most probably but it has been recorded up to 10000.

Dove Bird

Dove Bird Spices

Backyard Bird

Pegion or Dove is a bird living in a human habitations. So they are very familier to humans. I also put some grains to feed them at my home. Generally Pigeon or Dove is very comman so you can shoot them photo anywhere with close up. I never take a shot of pigeon in jungle trail but this time at home The dove sitting on my gate light and i see beautiful background of my backyard trees with green background of Dove. I cann't stop my fingers to catch a photo. And see the result is great enough that i think The dove with green background. I also happy that i shoot too close to its eyes that i can see red eyes of Dove. Thats the beautiful part of the photo. 

Gear Used : Canon 6 D with Canon 100-400 mm lens.

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As per my previous post for Basic composition rules for Photography here i give you some advance rules for photography. Before know the rules first you should know your gear. Whichever camera you use first understand your camera. As there are lots of camera brands in the market like Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Sony, Olympus, etc... all cameras have different body types and keys in different area. But whichever brand of camera you use there are same rules applied for composition in photography. The techniques and settings and rules are same for DSLR cameras or Digital Cameras. Also for different types of photography like Abstract, Portrait, Landscapes, Wildlife, Product, Wedding , Fine art, Sports etc the Rules for photography are same. If you want to capture good pictures follow some rules i mention here and it will help you for being a professional photographer.


How to become professional in photography ?

The answer is too hard work. To become professional you should work very hard in any types of photography. Understanding your camera and using basic rules and after that advance techniques helps you lot. Without follow some rules your photos cannot noticed by others. You should try to capture something new and something creative with good composition which attract users to see your images.

Rule Of Third : There is a cross line in every camera in display. If you are new then on that cross lines while shooting. After you can understand off that feature. While shooting photos the position of your subject is on cross lines for better pictures and better look for your photos.

Rule of Third

In above image i use a water drop as a subject. if you use grid lines in your camera then you can see the cross lines on your screen is total 4 and you can put your subject on those 4 cross line and leave other space thats the rule of third. Same in below image using bird as a subject in the lower crossline. Thats make your image attractive and perfact if you use foreground apropriate to your subject.

Rule of Third sample image

Repetition : Look for repeat subject in  a raw . Your object may be pole light, street light, pile of fruits, chain of poles etc. The repetition of subject or object makes image unique. 

repetition sample image

Repetition is also a good subject like electric pole, walls, roads, trees in line and also a birds of mammals. My image is not perfact in repetition but its gives you an idea for it. repeat your subject at regular interval and space in your frame.


Negative space : Always leave some space with your object in your frame. Some people make closeup shots with crop image but its not looks good . The subject need some negative space to move into. For ex. If you shoot solo bird on tree then you should leave some space in the direction of birds eye. That will make your frame perfact.

Negative space sample image

Balancing Elements : Balancing elements means balance your background interest with your foreground subject.

Balancing Element Sample Image

Symmetry : Symmetry means Half of your image is a mirror of other half image. Shoot your image like a mirror image or reflection of the subject .

symmetry sample image

symmetry sample image

Follow these advance rules for capturing images and i am sure you will definitely get better results. I will give you one more Bonus tips except this 5 rules is 


Depth ( Layers ) : The position of your subject in front of and behind of objects to create 3D depth.

Depth of Field Sample Image


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An Artificial Lake | Thol Bird Sanctuary
Jun 13, 2023 | Wildlife Sanctuary India An Artificial Lake | Thol Bird Sanctuary

Thol bird sanctuary is located in Kadi Taluka in Mehsana District near sanand Gujarat. It is an artificial lake located near village Thol. In 1912 thol lake was built and it was declared as a Sanctuary in 1988. The main use of lake is use of water for irrigation. The Thol Bird Sanctuary or a Thol lake wildlife Sanctuary India is a habitat of more than 150 spices of birds. Also it is famous for migratory birds Flamingos and Sarus Crane  which breeds here.

Thol Lake

Thol Lake view

About Thol Lake / Thol Bird Sanctuary
Thol lake is located near Thol village and its area around 38000 acres.  Lake faces all season winter , summer and monsoon.  During winter temperature goes to 8 degree and in summer temperature goes to 43 degree. Thol lake is under control of Forest and Irrigation department of Gujarat. Thol lake water storage capacity is around 84 million cubic meters. Thol wildlife sanctuary is declared as Eco Sensitive Zone .

Flora and Fauna Thol Sanctuary :
Thol lake has many vegetation plants like Zizyphus, Acacia nilotica, Ficus, Capparis, Azadirachta indica etc. There are also some mix flora of Marshy and Aquatic plants reported in Thol Lake.
Thol lake is protected area and it is very good habitat for water birds. In thol bird sanctuary there are more than 150 spices of birds found . Among these more than 60 % of birds are water birds. Flamingo bird is most prominent bird of Thol Lake. Also Sarus Crane nest in large number here. 

Thol Flora

Famous Migratory Birds of Thol Lake

•    Flamingos
•    Sarus Crane
•    Great White Pelican
•    Mallards
•    Bar Headed Geese , Grey Headed Geese
•    Waterfowl

There are also some spices reported here like Dalmatian Pelican, Indian Skimmer, Greater Spotted Eagle, Indian Vulture and white rumped Vulture etc. In Mammals Bluebull, Blackbuck and Golden jackal reported here.

Bird sanctuary Gujarat

Thol Flora and Fauna

Thol Lake Timing and Fees :
Thol lake open everyday at 6 AM in morning and close at 5.30 PM in evening.  Entry fees for Thol Lake or Thol sanctuary is 50 INR for per person. Also Camera fees extra at 200 INR and if you go via car then car fees also  500 INR. Foreigner fees are 10 $ per person.

Best Time to Visit Thol Sanctuary / Thol Lake :
Best time early morning for Thol Lake. In winter if you go before sunrise you can see Twilight sky amazing with lake shore and birds sound .During all season Thol lake has its own beauty. Every season you can visit at Thol Lake. But mostly during winter from November to March season is best for Thol Sanctuary visit. Because during winter lots of Migratory birds came here and stay for long time so for birding winter season is best at Thol Lake. Also during summer some of birds stays here like flamingos and pelicans, geese etc. So you can also see them in summer too.  Also during summer water level of lake is low so may be the birds you can get in deep or sometimes closer. During monsoon most people don’t visit but if you like macro photography then you must visit Thol lake in monsoon. You can get some excellent macro subjects like waterdrops , Spiders, Insects etc.

Birds of Gujarat

Thol Bird Sanctuary

What to do and What not to do in Thol Lake / Keep in mind while visiting sanctuary in India :

•    Keep silence in sanctuary
•    Maintain discipline 
•    Keep sanctuary clean
•    Do not throw plastic waste anywhere in sanctuary
•    Protect wildlife
•    Observe birds, mammals etc and protect them and identify them
•    Follow rules of wildlife protection act -1972
•    Don’t disturb birds and animals
•    Don’t enter in sanctuary with liquor and inflammable objects
•    Don’t make loud noice.
•    Enter in sanctuary with permit only and keep receipt till you leave sanctuary
•    Don’t feed birds and animals

sanctuary rules

thol lake for visitors

what to do and what not to do in Thol Lake

Where to Stay near Thol Lake :
Well near to Thol Lake there are not good places to stay at night but you can go near to destinations like Kadi, Kalol or Gandhinagar , Ahmedabad where you can get good places to stay at night. Nearest I suggest Kalol around 15-18 km or you can go Ahmedabad around 25 km. 

Places to visit near thol lake

Birds of Gujarat

Thol lake morning view

Thol Lake Panorama

Thol lake full view

Walking path thol lake

Places to Visit near Thol Lake : 
If you are staying at Ahmedabad then go for Ahmedabad Darshan , Pol area of Ahmedabad and Adalaj Ni Vav ( Heritage places ) etc. Also go for fast food test at night at Manek Chauk and SindhuBhavan road there are lots of option for food lovers like Urban Chauk, Freezbee etc.

If you stay at Gandhinagar then visit Mahatma Mandir at Gandhinagar, Sarita udyan , Akshardham Temple etc. 

I would suggest Modhera Sun Temple if you had some more time which is around 100km from Ahmedabad. For bird lovers and bird photographer I would suggest visit Little ran of Kutch (LRK) during Winter season, Pariej Lake, Indroda park Gandhinagar, Jessore Sanctuary Banaskantha etc.

How to Reach Thol Sanctuary :
Nearest airport is Ahmedabad and from Ahmedabad thol lake distance is around 30-40 km
Also for Railway station is Ahmedabad because you can get all frequency and destinations from Ahmedabad railway station.

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